Yucca Cane Plant Care Guide


Also known as the Adam’s needle. The Yucca is native to American states of Florida and South Carolina.


Andy is tolerant to all types of lighting. Yucca plants are known to tolerate low lighting making him a good winter plant. Although tolerant of lower lighting Andy will grow faster in brighter light.


Andy doesn’t need much water to thrive. In the summer give him a weekly water when he’s receiving a lot of sunlight. In the winter water him once every couple of weeks or whenever the first two inches of soil is dry. If Andy is in a sunnier spot he will need watering more often. Grab our stylish silver and white watering can to help keep him hydrated. 


Andy doesn’t require a lot of humidity but we recommend using the perfecting houseplant care mist to keep the foliage fresh.


Andy can tolerate temperatures between 13-29°C. As long as the indoor temperature doesn't dip lower than 13°C Andy will be happy.


Yucca’s are slow growing and will only need fertilising a couple of times over the summer months. We recommend using the perfecting houseplant care mist to keep the foliage fresh. Do not fertilise in the winter.


Andy is a slower grower and can spend many years in his original pot. He will need repotting around 3-4 years after you get him. He doesn’t like wet soil so make sure when you repot there is lots of drainage materials mixed in with the soil. Check out our incredible peat free potting mix.



 Soft bottom trunk/yellow leaves/ brown leaves-  These are signs of overwatering. Andy prefers to be on the drier side and he may need to be repotted into new fresh dry potting soil. Yellow leaves are also a sign of too much direct sunlight. 


Drooping leaves - The drooping leaves are a sign that Andy is not receiving enough light.


Browning tips - The browning tips for the most part is normal. Sometimes it can be a sign of underwatering so it’s worth checking that the soil hasn’t completely dried out.



Top tip 1: To keep your new plant happy, use our complete houseplant care system

Top tip 2: Keep Andy away from any pets or young children as he can be toxic if ingested. 

Top tip 3:  Andy is very prone to root rot if overwatered. Keep his soil slightly on the drier soil to prevent any excessively wet soil.


yucca drake monstera fortifying-houseplant-fertiliser peat-free-soil