Our homes are our sanctuaries and there’s nothing quite like transforming yours into your very own indoor plant jungle. Regardless of whether you’re a veteran plant cultivator, new to welcoming a splash of green into your realm or hunting out a unique gift for a friend, we’ve got a whole host of house plants that can be delivered directly to your door.

All Indoor Plants
60 products
What are the benefits of having house plants?
You might already be addicted to bringing the outdoors in or are curious to see what a new, leafy green life will do to your home, Either way, there are plenty of reasons to add a new potted plant to your space.
The benefits of indoor plants have been well-documented. A short walk outside can restore feelings of calm and relaxation and a dash of real foliage indoors can have a similar effect, helping to reduce stress and boost your mood and concentration levels. They’ve even been proven to pump up productivity levels (which is why we think they should take pride of place in your home office as desk plants), while certain air-purifying plants are known to help clean the air around you by absorbing harmful toxins and increasing oxygen levels.
Ordering a new house plant online will be like having a clean, friendly and calm-inducing new housemate delivered to your doorstep – just without all the squabbles over who gets to have the remote.
Which indoor plant is right for you?
Concerned that your plant parenting skills need a little nurturing of their own? Head over to our range of hard to kill plants for beginner-friendly palms and trailing spider plants among our most common house plants – plus even more exotic options if you fancy going tropical.
Seeking a plant for a specific room? We’ve split out plants down into those suitable for every spot in your home, from the living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen to the hallway and conservatory.
Want a plant that’ll be safe from teeth (whether they’re dinky and attached to a new member of the family or sharper and belonging to your favourite pet)? We’ve got a whole range of non-toxic plants to choose from.
We use a next day delivery service with one of our trusted couriers. Please allow a little bit of packing time. During COVID and busy times this can be up to 5 days.
Your personal information and data is secure with us. This is our website platform providers bread and butter. Uncompromised safety & security.
If you have received a damaged plant or within 30 days you have any trouble after following our care guidance we will offer you a replacement.
Our goal is to plant 1 million trees by 2025 to help save our environment.