Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Care Guide
Also known as the zz plant or zanzibar gem. The zz plant is native to countries in Eastern Africa.
Zoe isn’t one to fuss and will be happy in all types of light. She is low light tolerant but also will be happy in a medium/filtered light. Lighting-wise Zoe pairs perfectly with Ian and Foxy.
Zoe is similar to a succulent where she will hold water in her roots and stems making her watering schedule less frequent. Let her soil dry out completely before her next watering. She’s very drought tolerant and will forgive you if you forget to water her. If she is placed in a shady spot she will only need watering once or twice a month. Grab our stylish silver and white watering can to help keep her hydrated.
Zoe doesn’t require any high levels of humidity, normal household humidity levels are good.
Zoe can tolerate temperatures between 15-30°C. As long as the indoor temperature doesn't dip lower than 15°C Zoe will be happy.
Zoe can push out a lot of new foliage in the growth season especially in a filtered sunny spot. Fertilise her with our vegan organic fertiliser or our fortifying houseplant fertiliser.
Zoe really likes to be root bound and would prefer to stay in her original pot for as long as possible. You will notice that her original nursery pot will start to buckle or large roots will stick out of the bottom. This is a sign that she is ready to be repotted with fresh potting mix. Check out our incredible peat free potting mix.
Yellow leaves - Yellow leaves are usually caused by over watering. Zoe does not need much water to thrive. If she is badly over watered this could lead to root rot.
Leaves drooping - Zoe will start to droop her leaves when she is ready for a drink. Check the first couple of inches of her soil before you water to make sure it is dry.
Browning edges/patches - The browning edges is a sign that she is a little sunburnt. Take her out of any direct or bright light. A medium/ lower light is good enough for Zoe.
Top tip 1: Zoe is a toxic plant, keep her out of reach of pets and small children.
Top tip 2: Zoe is one of the top air purifying plants announced by Nasa. She will help to remove household toxins from the air.
Top tip 3: To keep your new plant happy, use our complete houseplant care system.