Pilea Peperomioides Care Guide

Lucy needs a lot of bright indirect light. Keep her a few feet away from any window to avoid scorching her leaves. Lighting wise Lucy pairs perfectly with Zara and Chris.
Getting the balance may be tricky as she won’t like her soil to completely dry out or be too soggy. Every week check the first 2-3 inches of the soil and make sure it’s dry before watering.
Lucy will prefer a humid environment. She will suffer in dry spaces so it’s important to keep her away from any radiators or underfloor heating. Keep her humidity levels high by using a pebble tray, using a humidifier or placing her in the bathroom. Find out how you can increase humidity here.
Lucy can tolerate temperatures between 15-30°C. As long as the indoor temperature doesn't dip lower than 15°C Lucy will be happy.
Fertilise her with our fortifying fertiliser once every two months in the months from March-September with a diluted houseplant fertiliser. Do not fertilise in the winter months.
Lucy is a fast grower and will need to be repotted once every 1-2 years. Check for roots sticking out at the bottom of the nursery pot. Repot in the spring to avoid shock that can cause leaf drop. Go green with the peat free potting mix.
Brown spots/edges on leaves - This could be a sign of bacteria in the soil. Check Lucy’s soil for excessive moisture and if her soil is wet he will need to be repotted into dry fresh soil to prevent root rot.
Drooping leaves - The drooping leaves is a sign that Lucy is ready for a drink. Always feel the first two inches of soil before you water to make sure it’s dry.
Pale or yellow leaves that don’t drop - This could be from lack of nutrients in the soil. In the growth season use a houseplant fertiliser for extra nutrients. Always dilute the houseplant fertiliser to avoid fertiliser burn.
Leaves curling inwards - This is an indication that Lucy is getting too much bright light. Move her away from any bright large windows.
Round circle or holes on the leaves - Lucy can react badly to the chemicals found in tap water. If possible use filtered or rain water.
Yellow leaves or leaves curling up - This is due to lack of aeration where the soil is staying too moist for a long period. Repot Lucy in potting mix with drainage materials such as perlite and bark.
Top tip 1: Rotate her pot weekly for more even growth.
Top tip 2: Lucy is perfectly safe to be placed around young children and pets as she is not toxic if ingested.
Top tip 3: Use our beautifying leaf shine every couple of weeks. Clean leaves will help to absorb more light.